Chef PastaReadyToEat

Pasta Ready to Eat’s Meals

Prepare your meals in minutes. In a pan, oven, microwave or bain-marie, bring Italian cuisine to your table! Ready meals with tasty regional recipes, healthy and genuine, prepared according to the tradition of true Italian cuisine. Buy online and get our products comfortably at home with Free Deliverys.

Only recipes interpreted with passion, a ready-made meal even out of the home with that goodness as homemade. Delivery via the best express couriers

In few minutes the meal is ready to be enjoyed quietly everywhere: in the office, in unencumbered cans, at school, on holiday, at friends ‘and relatives’ houses, at work in the office, or doing a picnic.

Pasta & Gusto Ready to eat is an all natural, fully cooked pasta that’s ready in the microwave in just in 1 minute. Made with 3 simple ingredients, Pasta, sauces and passion, no preservatives and coloring free. Simply heat in the microwave, for a quick and delicious dish.

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Today's Menu

You will be able to organize fantastic Happy Hours without the need to dirty or split into portions! With PastaReadyToEat is all packed in portions and ready to eat at any temperature! Leave everyone astonished with the fantastic 100% Italian Quality. You will not need to throw our products!

Lasagne ai Carciofi


Mushrooms Lasagna


Spinach Cannelloni


Meat Cannelloni


Our Products

You can comfortably warm it all day long, save your money with the Ready Meals of PastaReadyToEat! The leftovers will only be a remainder, for any questions or proposal ask us in the Contact Us Page!

stopwatch Pasta Ready To Eat

Ready in 90 seconds

Temperature Pasta Ready To Eat

Storage Outside the Fridge

Calendar Pasta Ready To Eat

Shelf-Life until 12 Months

Leaf Pasta Ready To Eat Natural

100% Natural

List Steps Pasta Ready To Eat

Prepare it in a Few Simple Steps!

Profits Pasta Ready To Eat Work With Us

Work with Us

Background Penne Arrabbiata

Simple pure
DeliciousShop Now

Background Lasagna

make with
PassionView More

bambina pasta Gusto piatti pronti ready meals

Delicious Products

Buy online and get our products comfortably at home with Free Delivery. Only recipes interpreted with passion, a ready-made dish even out of the home with that goodness as homemade.

Gloria Mendieta

Nelson A Roldan

Guille e Oriani

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